Mother’s house

black-woman-girl-thinking-white-cartoon-writingEntry from Journal #1, September 26, 1930

I dreamt of my dear Mother this morning. She came back to her house that she toiled and slaved to her liking before she took sick. She started cleaning it up and found it so wrecked and dirty since she left and I helped her scrub it the same as always.

From Mary’s photo collection . . .

Back of photo reads: Mrs. Eva Rumping [standing just inside the front gate] and her house, Marysville, Montana. Taken about 1895 or 1894. Mother planted those trees.


black-woman-girl-thinking-white-cartoon-writingEntry from Journal #1, August 21, 1930

I was to the fair to-day. It was nice in every way. I sure like the Geological displays, also the Mt’s map of Montana. I could look and look then think, study and want to figure out the formation of the strata, designs and [different] minerals the wonderful outer surface contains in its unseen depths. My graduation “Essay” was on Geology. Oh! I feel my life handicapped and short for what I want to see and know.

Tinker Polka


Entry from Journal #1, April 24, 1930

The radio just played Tinker polka, I danced it alone but my mind was away back 30 yrs ago – with my sweet heart George Schenk and youth pals.

Here’s a YouTube video of the Tinker Polka.  It sure would have been fun to see my great grandparents dancing to this tune!

Albert Schaffer, Mary’s 2nd husband

Albert Schaffer circa 1921

Albert Schaffer was born in Michigan in August 1873, the son of Peter Schaffer and Catherine Feckley.  According to an entry in Mary’s Journal #1, Albert came to Marysville on May 20, 1883.

Mary and Albert were married on November 20, 1916, about a year after Mary’s 1st husband George passed away.  The couple lived in Marysville.  A son was born January 2, 1921, and died that same day.

Albert died in Marysville on June 22, 1934, at the age of 60.  Albert and his son are buried together in the cemetery at Marysville.

Mary was 56 years old when Albert died.