“She Couldn’t Say No”, Flag Day, spring rain, bloody nose, etc.

Entries from Journal #1: June 1930

June 1 – Mr. & Mrs. Jno [John] Korting & myself were at the Marlow to see Winnie Lightner & Polly Moran play “She Couldn’t Say No”[1].  It was a good show.

June 6 – “Flag Day” – Frank Risoni’s playing at the Fox Liberty Thea[tre].  National Anthem march from Gt. Falls over the radio.  Yesterday was a fierce windy day. 

June 15 – I went 61 miles with Mr. & Mrs. Erik Hedblom up to Gould, Empire, Towsley & home by the Shannon mine.  I finished painting the front of the house & fixed it up real nice.

June 19 – I was to Helena.

June 20 – Had the first rain since spring.

June 22 – Mr. Alb. Price came over at 2:30 a.m. with a severe nose bleed.  Alb[ert] Schaffer & H. Ingman took him to Helena.


[1] I think the movie she meant is “The Girl Said No”.  Click here for more information.

And so that you have an idea of the type of movies someone like Mary would have seen in 1930, here’s a short clip from YouTube –


On this day in 1930 . . . birthdays, Mass, camping on Silver Creek

black-woman-girl-thinking-white-cartoon-writingEntry from Journal #1, June 29, 1930

Today Frances Dalin (Schenk) is 29 yrs. old.  Yesterday Christie Schenk was 27.  We had mass at 11:30.  Rev. F. Lagris was up.  I played for Mass[1].  Annie & Victoria Larson, Georgette Betor, Shirley Wilhoit, Blanch O’Connell, Ann O’Connell, Cath. Smigaj, Twila Korting, Myrtle Color Williams, Anita Walsh, Miss Collins and Miss Thomas sang; for supper Fran, Cid, Shirley & Buddie Dalin[2], Mrs. Breta Dalin, Erick Dalin[3], Wm Rumping, Martin Pole, Emma Schiavou, Cora Wood and Christie Schenk were at home.  Bro John Rumping and family were camping on Silver Creek near the old [illegible] with a 1931 model auto drawn by a gray horse[4].


[1] Mary knew how to play the piano and there are several references in her journal to playing piano (or maybe the organ?) at Mass.

[2] This is a photo of “Fran, Cid, Shirley & Buddie Dalin”, potentially from June 29, 1930 (the date on the back of the photo is “June 1930”).  There also appears to be a small child holding Shirley’s hand.  Were it not for the June 1930 date on the back of the photo, I would guess that child to be Clayton, Fran and Cid’s third child.  However, since Clayton wasn’t born until November 1931, either the date on the photo is incorrect or the small child isn’t Clayton.

Dalin family 1930








[3] Brita Dalin and Erick Dalin were Cid Dalin’s mother and uncle.

[4] I did quite a bit of internet searching but wasn’t able to locate anything to help identify a 1931 horse-drawn auto.  Maybe the date “1931” is incorrect??

George and Mary

This photo of Mary and George was taken in 1898 in Wilborn, Montana, which is about 13 miles northwest of Marysville.  It may be the only photo we have of the two of them together prior to their wedding in August, 1900.

George and Mary 1898

Back of photo reads: Mary Rumping, Geo Schenk.  1898 Wilborn, Mont.