This is one of several pictures where Mary numbered many of the people on the front and then created a key on the back of the photo. Be sure to click on this photo for a larger image.

Here is the back of the photo. Transcription of the information on the back is below the photo.

Transcription of the photo back:
Gus Johnson’s livery stable and horses. Geo. Balkenhol driving team.
1 – Mike Zimmerman
2 – Mr. Pete Wild – 1st horse
3 – Charley Winstrom
4 – Henry Baker, Sophie Schaffer’s husband – 2nd horse
5 – Martin Hagenson
6 – Johnie Cook
7 – Stanley Wild
8 – Dave Goss
9 – Joe Wild
10 –
11 – Gus Johnson on 4th horse
Lester Lightbody on side of horses.
Wm Schenck hands in pocket
Geo. Balkenhol driving team
Gilbert Edwards in back. Louie Gipp[?] by him on feet.
Schenk’s dog Fouse.
Mable Lightbody with umbrella
Marysville-Mont. about 1895-1896.
12 – Ed Jacbson
13 – Frank Ringstrom (light hat)
14 – __________ Polson