From Mary’s journal, early October 1930 . . .
October 1, 1930

Alb[ert] got hurt on [the] leg from a heavy fall of dirt while digging it down to fill in [the] road.

Catholics gave a benefit dance, made $65.00, lunch $29.55, misc costs $16.00. Com[mittee] Susie Laullar [Lawler?], Lillian O’Connell, Mayme Sullivan, Lizzie Korting, Theresa Larson, Mary Schaeffer, expenses [blank space] put [blank space] in [the] bank.

I saw 2 new birds yesterday, one blue and its head & neck a reddish bronze, black [&] white in back. The other a smaller pr[??], light also brown, black & white a reddish spot on head, ate nettle seeds, the blue ate rose berries, also a red bird was here thro the summer – a new kind.
October 2, 1930

Christie Schenck got a deer, Geo Larson was hunting with him in Sawmill Gulch.